10 Wrestlers Who Were Unmasked In The Ring

6. Lince Dorado

Pscosis Unmasked

Before they were separated by the 2020 draft, Lince Dorado was part of Lucha House Party with Kalisto and Gran Metalik. Debuting at the end of 2007, his invitation to the WWE came in 2016 and he has remained there since.

When he first began to wrestle, he was featured prominently in Chikara but it was early in this run where he would be unmasked in a sense, although this is notably different to anything else on the list.

He was feuding with Mitch Rider and the blow-off was a hair vs mask encounter which Dorado won. In the finish, Dorado botched a moonsault and gave himself a concussion which led to him suffering a seizure after the match.

Mike Quackenbush, owner and founder of the promotion, provided first aid and removed his mask to better administer help, although he did use a towel to obscure as much of his face as possible while doing so.

Lince Dorado made a full recovery after being taken into hospital and carried on wrestling for the promotion afterwards.

Quackenbush's decision to help conceal his identity even under these most extreme circumstances are an indication of exactly how important the mask can be to these performers.

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Matthew is a Marine Engineer to trade who writes sub-standard Scottish crime fiction in his spare time that can be found here:- https://mmacleodwriting.uk/ Originally brought up in the Western Isles of Scotland, he lived in Edinburgh for 18 years but now stay in Aberdeenshire with his partner, sons and dog.