10 Wrestlers Who Were World Champions In More Than One Company At The Same Time


Keny Omega
Twitter, @ThisIs_Progress

At time of writing, Austrian beefcake, WALTER, has been NXT UK Champion for over 750 days. Since defeating Pete Dunne at TakeOver: New York, the sentient slab of meat has taken on all comers and left them all very much regretting their life decisions.

When he picked up the NXT UK belt, WALTER was already nine months into his reign as Progress World Champion. A month after that, he defeated Trent Seven for the Progress Atlas Championship, combining the two titles to create the promotion's current top prize - the Progress Unified World Championship.

WALTER would finally drop the Progress title to Eddie Dennis in September 2019. With the exception of one six-man tag team match in early 2020, this was WALTER's final in-ring appearance for the promotion.

WWE and Progress have a strong working relationship, so it's no surprise that the big man was allowed to represent them during his time with NXT UK. However, the fact that WALTER hasn't gone back to Progress since dropping the title confirms that WWE now have a vice grip on the UK independent scene - a scenario many have absolutely dreaded.

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Kenny Omega
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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.