10 Wrestlers Who Were World Champions In More Than One Company At The Same Time

2. Kurt Angle

Keny Omega
Impact Wrestling

This one is just ridiculous.

If we tried to explain the whole "two belt IWGP Championship" saga to you, we'd all be here until our grandchildren had long white beards. In short - Brock Lesnar threw a hissy fit, there were two IWGP Championships for a while, and Kurt Angle had one of them.

He beat Lesnar for the gold on the 29th June 2007. Then, just three weeks later, he won a King of the Mountain match for the vacant TNA World Heavyweight Championship. This led to an absolutely bonkers match at TNA Hard Justice 2007, when Angle defended both his world titles against Samoa Joe.

Oh, by the way, Joe was also the X-Division Champion. And the Tag Team Champions. On his own. And all his belts were up for grabs too.

This ludicrous five championship match ended when Angle beat Joe to leave the Impact Zone with more gold than Jeff Jarrett trying to start a new business. It's one thing to put multiple championships on one wrestler, but putting every single title in the company on one man? Including both the tag titles? That might have been a bit much.

Even for TNA.

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Kenny Omega
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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.