10 Wrestlers Who Will Benefit From Triple H Running WWE Creative

6. Max Dupree

Triple H Johnny Gargano

While always watchable and charismatic, there was something a little too familiar about LA Knight, the influence of The Rock worn a little too prominently on his sleeve. By contrast, his main roster makeover Max Dupri feels like a much more original proposition.

His Maximum Male Models stable seems like the sort of gimmick that should tickle Vince and thrive within his sports entertainment juggernaut. On top of this, Max’s Twitter game proved his creativity, wit and dedication to the bit.

Strange then, that it seems Vince McMahon’s last ever act as head of creative was to remove Max from his own stable and our screens, replacing him with his kayfabe sister Maxine. Allegedly Dupri ruffled feathers backstage by taking issue with certain script details and Vince wasn’t as charmed by him as you might expect.

Dupri/Knight was a late arrival to the black and gold brand, part of the last gasp before the whacky 2.0 makeover. While he wasn’t a super-worker born for the Takeover stage he was solid in the ring. Plus he more than proved his worth as a sports entertainer in a feud over the Million Dollar Belt with Cameron Grimes. Could it be “Papa H” might over Dupri a reprieve? Who knows, the pair might even share similar doubts about some of Vince McMahon’s recent scripting decisions?


Chris Chopping is a writer, YouTuber and stand up comedian. Check out his channel at YouTube.com/c/chrischopping. His dream job would be wrestling Manager and he’s long since stopped reading the comments section.... Follow him @MrChrisChopping on Twitter.