10 Wrestlers Who Will Benefit From Triple H Running WWE Creative

4. Johnny Gargano

Triple H Johnny Gargano
Twitter, @dtfmania

Johnny Gargano is a smart guy. After riding high as NXT’s white meat, babyface hero, he pivoted with aplomb to become a hilarious midcard heel, leading The Way for up-and-comers Austin Theory and Indi Hartwell. Then, when the black and gold brand transitioned into its new form as 2.0, Gargano read the writing on the wall.

Johnny Wrestling had proved an adept sports entertainer but he just didn’t pass Vince McMahon’s famous airport test. Like Tommaso Ciampa, Johnny is smaller than the new guys that were coming in. He pictured a midcard gatekeeper role, putting over green talent that Vince and Johnny Ace saw as the real stars, and decided he could do better elsewhere.

Opting to spend time at home with his wife and first child rather than dashing to immediately appear on AEW was also the smart move. Tony Khan’s promotion was awash with new signings, better to wait a while. Once the excitement from the new guys died down there would be room for someone new to make a splash.

Except that the new guys just kept on coming. Between new signings, Forbidden Door, ROH guys and random one-offs like W. Morrissey, AEW fans have been fed a constant stream of fresh faces. The company’s roster is is now bloated it’s hard for anyone new to make a dent.

Perhaps now with Triple H at the helm, Gargano could return from the sidelines to a WWE that will actually make the best of him.


Chris Chopping is a writer, YouTuber and stand up comedian. Check out his channel at YouTube.com/c/chrischopping. His dream job would be wrestling Manager and he’s long since stopped reading the comments section.... Follow him @MrChrisChopping on Twitter.