10 Wrestlers Who Will Never Be WWE Champion Again

3. Finn Bálor

Kevin Owens Universal Champion

Of course, this prediction will look very silly once The Demon smashes Roman Reigns at WWE Extreme Rules, but there we go. You win some, you lose some.

Truth be told, can anyone see Finn Bálor defeating Reigns at the pay-per-view? Sure, the Demon persona is still relatively well-protected on the main roster (everyone seems to have forgotten the loss to Samoa Joe all those years ago), but is a lukewarm Bálor really going to be the man who ends this character-defining championship run? It doesn't seem likely. The most likely outcome is The Tribal Chief further outlining his dominance by defeating The Demon, before going up against Brock Lesnar. Again.

Much like a few other names on this list, Bálor should be a multi-time world champion in WWE, but injuries and bad luck have combined to ensure his level hasn't climbed above upper midcard performer. The Irishman is better than that, everybody knows it, but for whatever reason, the creative team has been reluctant to pull the trigger ever since his shoulder popped out of place all those years ago.

The match against Reigns at Extreme Rules is a very important one for gauging Bálor's future. The results aren't going to be good for fans of the Bullet Club founder.


Born in the middle of Wales in the middle of the 1980's, John can't quite remember when he started watching wrestling but he has a terrible feeling that Dino Bravo was involved. Now living in Prague, John spends most of his time trying to work out how Tomohiro Ishii still stands upright. His favourite wrestler of all time is Dean Malenko, but really it is Repo Man. He is the author of 'An Illustrated History of Slavic Misery', the best book about the Slavic people that you haven't yet read. You can get that and others from www.poshlostbooks.com.