10 Wrestlers Who Will PEAK In 2023

5. Ricky Starks

Mercedes Mone

It’s clear that the Ricky Starks experiment is far from over. After an up and down year in AEW, Starks finished 2022 with a flourish, and looks to have real momentum behind him going forward

Through grit, determination, and charisma, Ricky has gotten himself over in a big way, and clearly this hasn’t gone unnoticed by the office. Starks has racked up significant wins over the likes of Chris Jericho, and feels a natural hovering around AEW’s main event scene.

While it’s likely to be a while before he’s challenging for another top title, he has all the tools necessary to keep his momentum going. His promo game is undeniable, and his ring work is punchy and consistently improving. What he needs in 2023 is proper, meaty feuds that don’t fizzle out like the bizarre misstep with Hobbs (though this is on the table should they wish to return to it).

A little way down the line, there’s no reason it couldn’t be Starks who takes the title off MJF. He undoubtedly has the drive and seems to possess every tool needed to make it happen.

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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)