10 Wrestlers Who WILL Retire In 2023

7. The Hardy Boyz

John Cena WWE 2022

Matt and Jeff Hardy were only reunited in AEW for a moment before the latter's personal issues meant that the tandem had to halt their pursuit of the company's tag titles. Sadly, it may be that the legendary brothers will have to retire, or at least stop performing as a team in 2023, as one last Hardy Boyz run looks increasingly unlikely.

Both men have obviously made careers for themselves as singles performers, winning multiple world titles across different promotions and becoming fan favorites in WWE, Impact, and on the independent scene. However, it would have been fitting for the brothers to end their illustrious careers together in AEW, which certainly seemed to be the plan when Jeff joined Matt last year.

It has been clear for some time that both men have been past their prime from an in-ring and physical standpoint, but the nostalgia and fondness fans have for them would warrant one last run. Of course, Jeff's personal issues are far more important than anything involving wrestling, but hopefully the brothers can get the send-off they deserve in 2023.

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