10 Wrestlers Who WILL Retire In 2023

6. Randy Orton

John Cena WWE 2022

Randy Orton's 2022 was marred by injury and it could, unfortunately, mean that 'The Viper' has to retire earlier than expected in 2023. News on Orton's return has been scarce, and when it has come the updates have been somewhat alarming in relation to his long-term future in wrestling.

The 14-time world champion had been working alongside Matt Riddle prior to his latest injury setback, with RK-Bro being one of the most popular acts of the latter-day Vince McMahon era of WWE creative. The natural conclusion to that storyline would have seen Orton turning on Riddle, before putting him over in a big match at one of the company's major shows, maybe even WrestleMania.

The 'Apex Predator' may be able to return once more this year, but the mounting injuries over the past few years could mean that 2023 is the last chance for fans to see him full-time. Orton is either extremely overrated or one of the best of all time depending on who you talk to, but he undoubtedly deserves a correct send off for his two decades of service to WWE.

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