10 Wrestlers Whose Careers TANKED After Winning Big

7. The Great Khali

Otis Mandy Rose WWE Tanked

Good lord, The Great Khali was limited. Actually, no, that's underselling it. Omos is limited; Khali's knees made it challenging for him to even walk around the ring freely. Recognising his extreme limitations but seduced by size, Vince McMahon put the old World Heavyweight Title on his new monster in 2007 and prayed for the best.

It was never going to be a long term solution for the big gold belt.

Khali worked some of the worst World Title bouts in living memory, then quickly dropped the strap to Batista. He was occasionally thrust into featured spots after that (against Triple H, for example), but Khali would never reach those heights again. Later, he'd go on to become a "Punjabi Playboy" and appear exclusively in comedy skits.

McMahon was always fascinated with physical marvels like Great Khali, but no amount of impressive stature could change the fact he sucked in-ring, or that a language barrier made his promos a chore. He went from World Champ to smooching a farting Natalya.

What a trip.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.