10 Wrestlers WWE BURIED At WrestleMania

2. Booker T (vs Triple H), WrestleMania XIX

Bray Wyatt

Booker T was never promoted as the star he could've been following The Invasion from WCW, with his main event career taking a permanent knock when Triple H disposed of him quite easily at WrestleMania XIX.

On the same night that both The Rock and 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin bowed out from the wrestling world, it was apparent that WWE was struggling to establish new names to replace them in an eerily similar predicament to a decade prior. Booker T was one such name who could have risen to stardom as a potential world champion, if not quite to the level of Rock or Austin.

Unfortunately, in 2003 Triple H's 'Reign of Terror' was in full effect, burying superstar after superstar in the service of establishing himself as the most important character in the company. Booker T would have been minted as a main event star if he were to have beaten 'The Game,' but the opposite happened complete with an almost comically slow cover by Triple H to win the match.

Booker T would at least become World Heavyweight Champion again a few years later as King Booker, but he was never truly utilized as a performer in his prime by WWE.


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