10 Wrestlers WWE Must Not Rehire

1. Shane McMahon

The Hardy Boys Matt Jeff WWE

Speaking of names linked to AEW, it's Shane-O Mac!

Yes, people have been discussing the likelihood of Shane signing on the dotted line with AEW and continuing his power trip trend somewhere other than WWE. Hell mend them if All Elite agree to that, because McMahon has been a menace for years now. Some of his work has tortured the fanbase.

Shane laughably became "Best In The World" by winning WWE's World Cup back in 2018, and that led to a run as one of SmackDown's top heels. It was so-so. Y'know what wasn't so-so? His disastrous back-to-back showings at the 2022 Royal Rumble and at WrestleMania 39 the following year.

McMahon was fired by his own father after trying to assert dominance in the Rumble. Then, at 'Mania 39, a match vs. The Miz was hastily changed to Miz vs. Snoop Dogg (?!) when Shane tore his quads. That should be a wrap on any desire to see the ex-'Boy Wonder' in-ring ever again.

Don't do it, Hunter!

Which other wrestlers should Triple H's WWE avoid? For more like this, check out 10 On-Air WWE Moments You Weren't Supposed To See and 10 Most Popular WWE Matches On YouTube


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.