10 Wrestlers WWE Must Not Rehire

9. Shanky

The Hardy Boys Matt Jeff WWE

Good lord, big Shanks was a painful watch! His awkward attempts at comedy were WWE under Vince McMahon 101. Despite playing before literal silence at times, Shanky was tasked with turning from menacing monster into a friendly giant who liked to goof off and have a laugh whenever he could.

The catch? He was the only one laughing.

Fans didn't care about Shanky when he was aligned with Jinder Mahal. They didn't care about the guy when he turned into the next coming of Kurrgan/Big Show/Lord Tensai/The Great Khali/any other number of big men who suddenly decided acting like fun-loving party boys was the way to win over people's hearts. They just didn't care full stop.

WWE cut the cord in September 2023, and they must never look back. Triple H doesn't seem as obsessed by circus-like attractions as Vince anyway, so there's probs no scope for Shanky to launch headfirst into a short mega-push on TV in coming years.

Never say never, and all that, but please say never.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.