10 Wrestlers WWE Must Not Rehire

8. Emma

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There was a short (very short) period when Emma's return in 2022 made headlines. Some were legit thrilled to see Tenille Dashwood get another crack with the company, and everyone reasoned Trips would get the best out of her/turn her into a pillar of the women's division. Nope, didn't happen.

She slid down the ladder of importance within weeks, and that was that.

Emma's second stint at WWE was so listless that she's openly questioned her own future in the biz on social media. That's sad, because she is talented, but there'd be no clamour for a third run with the market leader. WWE's focus should be on fresher workers like Tiffany Stratton, Roxanne Perez, Kiana James and more.

Sure, every division on the books needs some depth, and it doesn't sting to have older heads act as occasional punching bags (Naomi, for example), but Emma would only suffer the same fate she did before if she came back. Let her do the veteran act elsewhere.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.