10 Wrestlers WWE Must Not Rehire

7. Jinder Mahal

The Hardy Boys Matt Jeff WWE

You've got to give Jinder Mahal something: His work opposite The Rock and Seth Rollins in January 2024 was well-worth seeing. Firstly, Jinder trolled fans pre-Rocky return on the New Year edition of Raw, and he held his own on the mic against one of the greatest to ever hold one. Then, Mahal turned in a fun showing vs. Rollins for the World Title.

That was one final roll of the dice from WWE - they sought that last little bit of value from somebody they'd truthfully given up on as a credible concern years ago. By April, Jinder was hindered and sent packing. Will he be back? Most likely, but WWE's decision makers should pause and seriously think about why should they ever consider it.

Mahal will never reach the heady heights of World Titles again, at least not in the E.

He's well-spoken, seems to have a good head on his shoulders and has been reflective during interviews since leaving WWE, but Jinder isn't somebody who'd rock the boat with a return. Being honest, this writer really likes his attitude, but this is business.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.