10 Wrestlers WWE Must Not Rehire

6. Top Dolla

The Hardy Boys Matt Jeff WWE

A.J Francis can point to some fun interactions opposite internet darling Joe Hendry in TNA, and he's busy working for both MLW and the NWA, but there's a ceiling for the man. WWE's is far too high. His matches sucked when he was part of Hit Row the first time, and they were even worse between 2022-2023 during his second go-around.

Michael Cole was clearly working when ribbing Dolla on commentary, but there had to be some truth to his words. Cole has watched literally hundreds of pro wrestlers roll through WWE's doors, and anyone with working eyes could see that Top Dolla didn't have the basic fundamentals down.

That might be harsh, but the eyes don't lie.

His bouts were clunky, and a few notable botches gained eyeballs online for all the wrong reasons. There are far better in-ring workers who don't get a look-in on mainline WWE television - Dolla is better off where he is. Who knows? Maybe he'll surprise everybody by honing his skills and having killer matches someday, but it won't be under Triple H's watch.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.