10 Wrestlers WWE Realised Weren't 'The Man'
9. Carlito
Listen to Bruce Prichard extol the virtues of Carlito on his podcast and it's like hearing a proud father big up his son. Eventually, the "limitless potential" (a phrase WWE adore) wore thin though, and 'Carly' had to start showing out rather than merely showing up.
Prichard's giddy pride soon turns to melancholic regret when discussing the Puerto Rican stand out. He, like everyone else in WWE, came to realise that Carlito just wasn't putting in the shift necessary to become the star he was seemingly born to be. That turned him into an undercard tag wrestler when he could've been on top.
WWE tried. They really, really tried.
Carlito had flashes of brilliance (his feud with John Cena, mainly), but mediocrity became law with him by 2006 and there was no going back. Ultimately, WWE decided that he was a lost cause and never going to become the guy they wanted him to be.