10 Wrestlers You Won't Believe Beat Roman Reigns

1. Byron Saxton

Roman Reigns Bryon Saxton

Here it is, our second cheating entry and the most outrageous on the entire list.

Plenty of wrestlers have beaten Roman if we count tag teams and multi-man matches; Dominik Mysterio, Epico Colon, Ryback, and plenty more. However, none are as ridiculous as current commentator and loveable goofball, Byron Saxton.

Fans may not know that Saxton was ever a wrestler at all. He gained exposure on the fourth season of NXT back in its reality show days, but had been wrestling in FCW for a number of years before that.

His one and only match involving Reigns was a six-man tag team bout on the 17th March 2011 episode of FCW TV. Saxton was teaming with Leo Kruger and Calvin Raines, whilst Roman Leakee's partners were Donny Marlow and another future commentator, Percy Watson. Saxton and Co. would be victorious.

Again, information of who pinned who in this match isn't readily available, but if now was ever the time to fantasy book, just imagine Saxton placing one foot on the chest of The Tribal Chief, raising one finger in the air, and counting along with the one, two, three.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.