10 Wrestling Alliances You Completely Forgot Happened

5. Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes

The Undertaker Paul Heyman WCW

When you look at the many weird ways WWE tried to use Cody Rhodes, it’s a miracle he stayed with the business as long as he did. Among good gimmicks and bad, Undashing to Stardust, a middle of the road angle like his partnership with, and ultimate betrayal of, Hardcore Holly is among the least memorable of his storylines.

With all due respect to Bob, the man is the epitome of the midcard, so the idea that his wattage was supposed to give the recently debuted Cody a push was an unlikely one. Still, the old school grappler made a decent partner for Rhodes, whose sensibilities are similarly classical.

Rhodes won the veteran’s respect after a few singles matches, and they formed a tag team that eventually went on to win the belts, before Cody turned on his mentor and swiped the gold with new partner and fellow Legacy member Ted DiBiase Jr.

Holly was little more than a stepping stone for the ascendant Rhodes, but the AEW founder has spoken respectfully of his former teammate’s influence, praising Holly for helping him develop and protecting him in the ring. It has certainly worked out well for Cody.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)