10 Wrestling Careers We Wish Had Lasted Longer

3. CM Punk

Edge and Lita

In fairness, the 'Straight Edge Superstar' was close to walking away from WWE (and, possibly, wrestling as a whole) long before his abrupt departure in early 2014, so let's be grateful for the fact that he stuck around long enough to give us the now legendary Summer of Punk a couple of years earlier.

Although Daniel Bryan was, at the time, fast emerging as WWE's new rugged every-man, it felt like CM Punk still had a big role to play in the company's future. Having fought Cena, Lesnar, Bryan, and Undertaker in the years immediately preceding his departure, he was admittedly running out of big-name feuds - but he also left just before the next generation of stars (Rollins, Owens, et al) began to make a real name for themselves.

Whilst most of those on this list are gone for good, there's at least a slim chance that Punk could one day return to our screens. That's what we keep telling ourselves, anyway.

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