10 Wrestling Championship Reigns That Didn't Fit The Wrestler

7. Billy Kidman As WWE And WCW Tag Team Champion

Hulk Edge

Talk of any cruiserweight division and inevitably, Billy Kidman's name will be brought up.

The Allentown native wowed crowds in WCW with his low-trajectory version of the Shooting Star Press before moving across to the WWE as part of their 2001 buyout. Across both companies, he became a mainstay of the cruiserweight division, racking up a total of seven runs as the division's champion, a tally only beaten by Rey Mysterio.

Kidman's WWE career saw him predominantly as a lone soldier, only ever really associating with real-life partner Torrie Wilson. However, in early 2004, Kidman struck an unlikely alliance with fellow cruiserweight Paul London and the pair quickly became cohesive enough to win the WWE Tag Team Titles from the Dudley Boyz in July 2004.

Just as quickly as the pair bonded, a rift drove them apart as Kidman returned to his loner ways, turning heel on London in the process. Which is especially sad because they had matching gear now and everything...

This wasn't the first time Kidman had found kinship acclaim either, winning the WCW Tag Team Championship twice in the company's twilight years with Rey Mysterio and Konnan, as well as being the last WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Champion, again with Mysterio.


Wish.com Jules Gill. Pretty fond of heavy music, Arsenal, video games and wrestling.