10 Wrestling Characters Played By Multiple Wrestlers

8. Mr. Wrestling (Tim Woods/Johnny Walker)

Ric Flair Buddy Landel Buddy Rogers
Championship Wrestling From Florida

Wrestler Johnny Walker was semi-retired in 1972 when promoter Paul Jones made him an offer. Jones wanted Walker to return under a mask as "Mr. Wrestling II" and be a top star in the Georgia territory.

Walker accepted the offer, changing his life forever.

But what happened to Mr. Wrestling I?

The OG Mr. Wrestling was George Woodin, who also wrestled under the name Tim Woods. Mr. Wrestling became a top babyface across the Southern states of America and even had a few matches in the company that would become WWE.

Walker's new character was introduced as the original Mr. Wrestling's partner, although their relationship was never explained. Father and son? Brothers? Lovers? We'll never know.

Both men were extremely successful under their respective masks. Woods won several NWA titles and Walker was so popular that future President Jimmy Carter once requested to meet him!

Insert joke about politicians wearing masks here.

When Woods retired from wrestling in 1983, Walker carried on using the Mr. Wrestling name. The gimmick eventually found a new home in the form of Steve Corino who, as Mr. Wrestling III, teamed up with Mr. Wrestling II to win a set of tag team titles in Hawaii.

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Ric Flair
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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.