10 Wrestling Characters Played By Multiple Wrestlers

3. Diesel & Razor Ramon (Kevin Nash/Glenn Jacobs & Scott Hall/Rick Bognar)

Ric Flair Buddy Landel Buddy Rogers

It is well-known that Kevin Nash and Scott Hall left WWE in 1996 to jump ship to WCW.

There, under their real names, they would form the New World Order with Hulk Hogan and change the wrestling landscape forever.

But what happened to the characters they were playing in the other company? What would become of the tall, menacing Diesel and the ultra-cool Razor Ramon?

Well, just like James Bond, they were brought back with new actors! Except, unlike James Bond, everybody hated it.

Reintroduced by Jim Ross of all people, "Diesel" and "Razor Ramon" came back to TV in September 1997. Ramon was played by Rick Bognar, whilst our old pal Glenn Jacobs grew his best goatee for the role of Diesel.

The two competed mostly as a tag team and even entered the 1997 Royal Rumble, where Jacobs reached the final three. This was the two fakers' final appearance though.

WWE were so convinced that people just cared about the characters, that they honestly though recasting two of their most popular performers would work.

It didn't, and this storyline lives on in infamy to this very day.

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Ric Flair
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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.