10 Wrestling Characters Which Terrified Young Children

10. Hard As Nailz

On the surface, Kevin Wacholz wasn't what fans would consider to be a terrific example of a classic pro wrestler. Pretty ungainly, Wacholz wasn't a technical wonder inside the ring, but he did know how to do one thing well, come across as a complete psychopath! During his tenure as Nailz in the WWF, Wacholz swore down that he would destroy The Big Boss Man. Make no mistake about it, fans weren't left with much to the imagination - Nailz didn't just say he'd beat up the Boss Man, he flat out wanted to end his life, or so the story led people to believe. This insinuation of murder from a man who had been locked in solitary confinement was chilling, and coupled with his rich, booming and guttural voice, Nailz had fans reaching for a fresh change of underwear. Infamously attempting to throttle Vince McMahon - for real - backstage, Wacholz wasn't around for too long in the company, but he certainly made an impact. Reportedly, his promos were doctored in-studio, making his voice even more ominous, and few kids will ever forget how the man took great delight in telling The Big Boss Man exactly what he was going to do once he got his hands on him.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.