10 Wrestling Characters Which Terrified Young Children

8. On The Edge Of Sanity

For what seemed like forever, WWE elected to do away with darker characters, relying heavily on a never-ending string of generic rock music and real athlete sensibilities for their roster. Needless to say, this takes a lot away from the pantomime-like world of pro wrestling, which relies on a wide cast of characters to help sell the madness, and draw people into watching the product. Cheerfully, Bray Wyatt came along to remind everyone that owning more than one set of pants is a good idea. The purpose of the persona is clear, WWE want Wyatt to be a fixture at the top of cards for years to come. Let's face it, the man's previous incarnation, Husky Harris, was never going to main event Wrestlemania, but the Wyatt character oozes with frightening possibilities. Initially accompanied by his 'Family', Luke Harper and Erick Rowan, Bray has such a chilling ambience, and it's almost funny for adults to watch kids flee in terror, or stand slack-jawed in wonder every time the lights go out and Wyatt makes his way to the ring.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.