10 Wrestling Characters Which Terrified Young Children

7. The Devil's Favourite Demon

Looking for all the world like he'd just crept up from the very depths of Hell, Kane was allegedly only scheduled to be part of WWE folklore for a short time, created solely for the purpose of feuding with his storyline brother, The Undertaker. Obviously, short term plans kept getting renewed - so convincing and awesome in the role was Glenn Jacobs that he's been playing the Kane character full-time since 1997. Even the guy's entrance music, sounding like the tune which might be played at Satan's wedding, had folks running for the hills. Peering through his trademark red and black mask with piercing blue eyes, Kane was definitely one of the most hair-raising characters to ever come out of the minds of any wrestling creative team. Things have changed for Kane over the years, and the gimmick doesn't quite have the same mystique as it once did. Even so, Jacobs can look back over a career of scaring children, who nonetheless were so fascinated with the character that it became a popular choice for Halloween costumes.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.