10 Wrestling Characters Which Terrified Young Children

6. Cannibalistic Chaos

Cannibals are scary, make no bones about it (pun intended). When Kamala started appearing on WWF television, announcers wasted no time in telling fans that he'd like nothing better than defeating his opponent in the ring, before chucking them in a big old pot and cooking them up alongside some potatoes and carrots. Of course, this kind of storytelling ably sums up a time and a place for the then-World Wrestling Federation, but even though the thought of a wrestling cannibal from "deepest, darkest Africa" was ludicrous even then, Mississippi native Jim Harris played the role to perfection. So good was Harris as Kamala that there was always that lingering doubt at the back of every fan's head, telling them to naturally fear the face-painted maniac. Only hanging up his boots in 2011, Harris continued to terrify children on independent shows up and down North America long after his last appearances on WWF and WCW TV. It's highly likely that many fresh-faced young wrestling fans had nightmares upon first witnessing Kamala in action, their impressionable minds running wild at the prospect of being chased by the man.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.