10 Wrestling Characters Which Terrified Young Children

5. The Vampire Warrior

Writing about his time as part of The Brood in his autobiography, Adam 'Edge' Copeland looks back fondly on that portion of his career, but can't help but almost laugh when recalling the faces of fans upon witnessing the faction's leader, Gangrel. Portrayed by David Heath, Gangrel was a vampire, the leader of a cult which aimed to seduce victims into a state of helplessness, before feasting on their subdued bodies. Yep, even older wrestling enthusiasts were in awe of how well Heath fulfilled his role. Few who witnessed the act in progress will forget The Brood's 'Blood Baths', which had the lights going out, a chilling breath-like sound being played over the sound system, and nothing but a red strobe light flashing around the arena. When the house lights came back up, the stable's victim was covered head-to-toe in a blood-like substance. Released in 2001, Gangrel is still a popular draw on the independent circuit as the Vampire Warrior, usually being accompanied by a gothic female to the ring. Smaller companies don't quite have the production budget to accommodate Gangrel's old 'ring of fire' entrance, but it's a certainty that he's still causing scares wherever he goes.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.