10 Wrestling Characters Which Terrified Young Children

4. The Boogeyman Is Coming

"I'm coming to get ya" is the common phrase heard whenever The Boogeyman makes his presence known. When the character was first introduced in 2005, it seemed oddly out of step with everything else WWE were doing, but perhaps that's what helped make it so prominent. At first, the gimmick was a definite heel, but would eventually become more of a tweener, a wrestler with no real 'good' or 'bad' alignment. WWE have been in hot water numerous times over the character's worm-eating habits, due to animal cruelty, but it isn't only the devouring of insects which makes The Boogeyman so downright spooky. For a start, the make-up and paint Marty Wright - the man behind the gimmick - wears is incredibly well done, and only adds to the overwhelming fear factor the persona generates. Almost appearing to be a shaman witch doctor, The Boogeyman isn't the first to use that kind of fear, but the wrestler, billed from 'The Bottomless Pit' still makes special one-off appearances to this day, his most recent coming at the 2015 Royal Rumble.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.