10 Wrestling Characters Which Terrified Young Children

3. 'Taker Takes Over

Evolving to keep up with the changing face of professional wrestling, Mark Calaway has tweaked the character of The Undertaker exceptionally over the years. Due to his longevity, and sheer association with the WWE product, The Undertaker has become an extra special case. Indeed, even though there's a definite concept behind the idea, 'Taker has passed over into legendary status. Changing things up, Calaway at one point even had The Undertaker as more of a bad-ass Texan biker, one who ignored many of the supernatural leanings previously prevalent any time the character appeared before crowds. Going further, one incarnation of The Undertaker even portrayed itself as being WWE's own version of Lucifer, leading the cult-like Corporate Ministry into battle. By far the scariest run of 'Taker's lengthy career was when he first broke onto the then-WWF scene in the early-90's. During this time, the company would routinely shoot away from the action inside the ring, showing scenes of children looking pretty damn creeped out by what they were seeing from this 7 foot, undead zombie figure lurching over his rival in the ring.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.