10 Wrestling Combinations That Shouldn't Have Worked But Did

4. Heath Slater And Rhyno

Kane X Pac

If you ever feel left out or ignored, then just remember that Heath Slater was the only person not drafted in the 2016 Brand Split.

Not content with being left on the sideline, Slater demanded to get hired. After all, he "had kids" to feed. After an appearance on Raw led to a disastrous interaction with Brock Lesnar, Heath focussed his efforts on the blue show, especially the tournament for the SmackDown Tag Team Championships.

It was agreed that, if Slater could find a partner and win the tournament, then he would earn himself a contract. That partner arrived in the form of Rhyno, who had been attacking Slater in recent weeks. Now all this unlikely pairing had to do was win the tournament.

At Backlash 2016, Slater and Rhyno overcame the odds and beat The Usos to become the first ever SmackDown Tag Team Champions. Not only that, but Heath had gotten himself hired, leading to a double whammy of elation from the crowd.

Not only were Slater and Rhyno a fantastic combination, they also had a great storyline carrying them through the tournament. The duo's popularity was so strong that they are steaming together in Impact Wrestling. Now that's longevity.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.