10 Wrestling Combinations That Shouldn't Have Worked But Did

2. The Miz And Damien Mizdow

Kane X Pac

Damien Sandow's stock looked to be on the rise in WWE when he won Money in the Bank in 2013. Unfortunately, this was just the beginning of the end.

After Sandow lost his cash-in match against John Cena, he plummeted down the card to become a jobber of the lowest order. Thankfully, Sandow had a knack for impressions.

Playing into his movie star persona, The Miz decided that he wasn't going to endanger himself any more than he had to. He got himself a stunt double, who was Damien Sandow dressed exactly like The Miz and given the new name "Damien Mizdow".

Mizdow took the role and ran with it. He would copy The Miz move for move, including taking the same bumps as he did when he wrestled. He even got himself a mini version of the tag team titles when he and Miz won them at Survivor Series 2014.

This shouldn't have as entertaining as it was, and full credit has to go to Sandow. He took a gimmick that could have died a death after a week and turned it into one of the best of the entire year.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.