10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (June 15)

8. WCW's Heavyweights Grumbled About Following Cruiserweight Matches

Rey Mysterio Eddie Guerrero WCW Halloween Havoc 1997

Conrad Thompson does an admirable job of pulling the best from his podcast guests, and Eric Bischoff is no different. The ex-WCW boss is typically coy at times on the "83 Weeks" show, and yet Thompson manages to dig a little deeper to get some real insight.

Insight like the fact that WCW's heavyweight division would often bitch and moan to Bisch that they had to follow Cruiserweight matches on the card.

Bischoff didn't specifically name names (though he did drop Hulk Hogan and Scott Hall in a little later on, hinting they were part of the complaints). All he said was that the top guys thought Cruisers like Rey Mysterio, Chris Jericho, Dean Malenko and Eddie Guerrero were great at first, then changed their opinions after seeing some of the matches.

The heavyweight crew hated going on after some blistering Cruiserweight Title bouts, and they told Bischoff that it wasn't exactly fair they had to perform hot on the heels of such fast-paced, exciting action. Eric wasn't concerned, because he loved the diversity.

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