10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (May 26)

8. Simon Gotch Was Paid $250 For His WrestleMania Debut

Triple H WrestleMania 32

In an interview for Robbie E's new Why It Ended podcast, former WWE star Simon Gotch said he wanted to quit the company before he and Aiden English (working collectively as The Vaudevillains) were called up from NXT to the main roster. Already unhappy, Gotch wanted out.

That wasn't the only eye-opening tidbit he shared.

At WrestleMania 32, Triple H looked resplendent as he emerged from a sea of "bone soldiers" (Gotch's words) who were all holding replicas of the WWE Title. Gotch was one of the men involved, and he was looking forward to a nice little pay day. It didn't work out that way.

Stuck under a skeleton mask for his 'Mania bow, the wrestler was paid a paltry $250 for the gig. The next week, he made his main roster debut with English by beating The Lucha Dragons on the 7 April 2016 edition of SmackDown.

$250. Yep.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.