10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (May 26)

7. Goldust Once Attended A Movie Premiere In Character

Goldust - Attitude Era

Imagine going to the movies to see a hot new flick and having to sit behind a ranting wrestler covered in gold face paint and wearing a blonde wig. That was the fate of some movie-goers unfortunate enough to be there when Goldust decided he'd like to take the p*ss and amuse friends.

Ex-WWE writer Jansen Karp told this story on Twitter, and though he didn't reveal which movie Goldust went to see, the story is too hilarious not to share. Karp did say this happened in 2006, so let's just assume it was The Departed or something.

There were definitely some intense, scary scenes in the film, because Karp revealed that Goldust repeatedly screamed, "don't go in there" at the on screen characters. When it was all said and done, likely to the relief of innocent punters, Goldust leaned into Jansen and whispered, "things will never be the same".

Wrestling is weird.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.