10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week

9. The Rock's First WWE TV Appearance Was Embarrassing

Nowadays, Dwayne Johnson is one of the leading lights in Hollywood. It's been remarkable for wrestling fans to watch the guy's transition from WWE into the film industry. Those who watched his grappling career keenly could tell that the man had charisma, but few could have guessed just how much success he'd have on the silver screen. Known as 'The Rock' on the wrestling side of things, Johnson has routinely appeared entirely calm and composed when in front of the cameras. Throughout his entire WWF/WWE career, people would have to dig pretty deep to find any occasions where the man looked rattled or ill-prepared. It's somewhat startling to think, but that wasn't always the case. As the son of Rocky Johnson, the future WWE Champion was a regular attendee to World Wrestling Federation events of the 1970's and early-80's. Meeting Vince McMahon for the first time was a landmark moment, as the head honcho decided to shove a young Rocky in front of the cameras. Hilariously, The Rock was nervous, because he'd previously suffered from Chicken Pox. During his very first on screen WWE appearance, all the young man could think about was that his school friends would laugh at him.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.