10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week

8. Don Muraco Thought WWF Expansion Was 'Natural Change'

Don Muraco was there when Hulk Hogan defeated The Iron Sheik and ushered in the era of 'Hulkamania' to the WWF. Muraco was also present when Vince McMahon Jr banked a hell of a lot on the success of WrestleMania. Crucially, the former Intercontinental Champion was around when McMahon Sr ran the show, before handing the reigns to his son. For a wrestler who was so used to the more traditional methods of the older McMahon, it must have been strange to witness how Vince Jr swept such change through the industry. Remarkably, that wasn't how Don Muraco viewed things. A wrestling veteran by the time McMahon revolutionised the business, Muraco thought it was a natural progression. Pro wrestling had long been big business, but McMahon Jr drastically changed perception of the entertainment medium. According to Muraco, that was bound to happen at some point, because the wrestling industry was waiting for someone to instigate that mindset. A lot of veterans were cagey about Vince's method, but Don Muraco wasn't one of them.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.