10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week

7. Gunner Viewed TNA As A Gateway To WWE

It was Terry Taylor who was responsible for Chad Lail becoming employed by TNA in 2010. At first, the man was known as Phil Shatter on the independent scene, but that name was quickly changed when he entered Impact Wrestling. Re-branded as 'Gunner', he was used sparingly as part of a kayfabe security force tag-team. By 2011, TNA were looking to create some new stars that could feasibly become attractions. Gunner was one of those the promotion were interested in pushing, but he'd curiously never reach the top of the card. Gunner flirted with the main event scene, but he wasn't an out-and-out featured star. As it turns out, the guy's mind wasn't necessarily on establishing himself just in TNA. From a young age, the former US Marine set a goal for himself to compete at WWF/WWE's WrestleMania. At 33, that's still an ambition the man has. All through his run with TNA, Gunner was focusing on getting noticed by World Wrestling Entertainment. Thus far, he hasn't achieved his dream, but there have been talks about WWE hiring him to work in NXT.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.