10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (13 March)

7. Hornswoggle Takes Random Shot At Cody Rhodes

https://twitter.com/wwehornswoggle/status/575532671784329217 The arguments for and against social media use amongst celebrities have been debated heavily since the advent of Facebook, Twitter and other platforms became wildly popular years ago. On one hand, some feel the services offer unparalleled free speech, which is a good thing. On the other, it can cause terrible embarrassment if used incorrectly. In one of the more intriguing news items to land in the wrestling world this week, the diminutive Hornswoggle sent out a tweet to the personal account of Cody Rhodes, one which had eyebrows raising around the globe. If Hornswoggle had sent this out to the Stardust account, there would still be some confusion, given that the pair aren't associated on WWE TV, but the fact it was sent to the private account of Rhodes had many scratching their heads. Perhaps we'll never know if this was just a piece of harmless fun between the men, maybe they're friends, but the message hasn't yet been deleted. Whatever the reasons behind such a weird tweet are, it fits in with what several people, including Brodus Clay/Tyrus have said about Hornswoggle, that he's capable of being quite the bully, which may surprise many.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.