10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (13 March)

5. Bill Demott Leaves WWE Amid Controversy

The controversy surrounding Bill DeMott's tenure in WWE developmental is well-documented, and it seems the pressure and accusations have become too much for the man, who elected to leave his post with the company this week. Aforementioned accusations relate to blame coming from ex-trainees in the WWE system, who have come out in numbers to criticise the way DeMott handles himself. Misconduct and abuse are two of the aspersions being thrown DeMott's way, ones he flat out denies there being any truth behind. Whatever the case, this is obviously not great publicity for WWE, who have painted their Performance Centre as one of the best sporting facilities for young athletes in the world. Sexual harassment, physical abuse, racism and homophobia have all been claimed against DeMott, which begs the question - if this is all true, why wasn't something done about it? Surely it's not beneficial to WWE to have one of their head trainers verbally and physically assaulting young employees, people they hope will grow into the stars of the future?

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.