10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (18 Oct)

4. Roman Reigns Didn't Like HIAC's Finish Either

Seth Rollins Bray Wyatt Hell In A Cell

Hell In A Cell 2019's main event was a big disappointment.

It wasn't the slow brawling style that did it in, and there shouldn't even be a major problem with the red-light presentation. All of that, whether fans loved it or not, was designed to sell the nightmare scenario of being locked inside a cage with Bray Wyatt's 'Fiend'. No, the worst thing about it was undoubtedly that f'n finish.

For what it's worth, Roman Reigns wasn't a fan. He told Forbes that he "didn't like it" before going into defensive PR mode and saying he also doesn't think it's fair that fans put the heat on Bray or Seth Rollins for what happened. According to Roman, some in the wrestling fraternity need to show just a little bit more respect.

That's all well and good, but it's difficult to defend what happened at HIAC after literally agreeing it was all rather flaky. Ultimately, although the talent weren't the creative braintrust behind the ending, fans have every right to think a ref stoppage sucked.

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Roman Reigns
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