10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (18 Oct)

5. CM Punk's Favourite Wrestling Keepsake

Skinner WWE

The names Skinner and CM Punk don't exactly go hand-in-hand with most wrestling fans.

Steve Keirn's alligator hunter gimmick couldn't be further from Punk's straight edge leanings, and it's not like both crossed paths on screen either. Behind the scenes, things were a little different, and it was Keirn who handed Punk his favourite wrestling keepsake. It's something he treasures to this day.

Older readers may recall that Skinner enjoyed running around with tobacco dribbling from his lips and a big gator paw wrapped around his neck. He'd often point to this paw in promos (like in the pic above) as storyline proof of his gator-hunting credibility. Today, that paw takes pride of place in CM Punk's house, once again proving that wrestling is quite the bizarre world.

Punk told fans fielding questions for a Reddit AMA that Skinner's prop is still the best thing he's ever received during his career. Some would've been expecting a championship belt or anything Steve Austin related, but no. It was Skinner and his crude alligator paw that made Punk smile.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.