10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (25 Oct)

2. Japanese Fans Created The 'Leg Drop Of Doom'

Hulk Hogan Leg Drop

Younger fans who didn't live through the glory days of Hulkamania must wonder why some old leathery dude has popped back up on WWE programming to lead a team into battle at Crown Jewel. Those young whippersnappers couldn't possibly understand the majesty of seeing Hogan fend off heels and hit fools with his patented Leg Drop back in the day.

Anyone who got goosebumps at the big boot-into-leg combo has Japan to thank.

Hogan told WWE.com's 'The Story Of...' short that he randomly decided to drop a leg during a match in Japan years before he was a household name. It was only designed to be a transitional spot in the bout, but people in the stands went wild for the move, and the wheels in Hulk's head began turning.

Ever the savvy businessman, Hogan later adapted the humble Leg Drop for an American audience by inserting some crowd-pleasing histrionics before and after he'd hit it. Without that Japanese crowd's enthusiastic response, the finish wouldn't have been invented.

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Hulk Hogan
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