10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week

8. This Week's Tough Enough Was Lowest Rating In Program History

British Bulldog Hall Of Fame

First airing in 2001, WWE's 'Tough Enough' program is designed as a faux-reality show, one that follows a certain number of people as they attempt to win a contract with the biggest promotion in the industry. Over the years, the show has come in for some criticism from wrestling fans, because the winners aren't always the best choices.

In addition, the current talent seem to despise the concept, seeing it as somewhat of a fast track to WWE, when they had to toil for years on the independent scene before seeing the fruits of their labour. Seth Rollins criticised the show this week, saying he sees nobody who has any potential in the current crop of wannabes, but that's not the only problem the show is experiencing.

This past week's episode was the lowest rated show in Tough Enough history. That's right, not only is it the low point of the current series, but the latest episode drew less than 1 million viewers overall, making it the least-watched episode in the program's entire run, including previous seasons.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.