10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (April 17)

2. Steve Austin Has A Problem With John Cena

Every so often, John Cena will attempt to add a new move to his arsenal. Some of these don't really fit, such as the Hurricanrana-style leg scissors that the man has busted out a few times over the last couple of years, whereas other moves like the Fisherman's Suplex seem much for in keeping with the rest of his moveset. At WrestleMania 31, Cena elected to perform a variation of the Ace Crusher, a move more commonly associated not with Johnny Ace, but with 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin. Widely known as the Stone Cold Stunner, the jaw-jacking move hasn't really been seen much on WWE television since Austin rode off into the sunset, until now. It seems that Austin himself is none too pleased at Cena's revival of the move, feeling that the fact he uses it as little more than a transitional move, or a near fall hold, is a little insulting. It's unclear whether or not Cena cleared his choice to start re-airing the move with Austin before he started using it, but all signs are pointing to the idea that he didn't, certainly given the legend's frosty reception to seeing it used again.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.