10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (April 19)

1.Triple H Reminded Batista He Was A Heel Before 'Mania 35

Batista Kids

Lilian Garcia had a busy time recently chatting away to both The IIconics and another notable WrestleMania 35 star. Batista stopped by for a new interview that discussed his match with Triple H and his decision to call time on his pro wrestling career for good afterwards. It's worth a listen even if you don't normally check out 'Chasing Glory'.

One story in particular makes it worth your time.

We've previously noted that Batista, who was the definite heel to Triple H's babyface, stopped to slap some hands following his succinct promo on the 1 April episode of Raw. The weird thing here is that big Dave was supposed to hate on fans, but he told Garcia he just couldn't do that in his native Washington, DC. So, Batista made some kids happy by accepting their high fives.

Backstage, Triple H sternly reminded Batista that he was the villain of the piece. Before he could say anything, 'The Animal' had already offered up an apology for contravening his character. Batista had hoped WWE's cameras were shooting something else or had moved to an ad break as he strolled up the ramp.

What other big wrestling facts did you learn this week? Let us know down in the comments section below!

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.