10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (August 9)
7. Miz's Dad Flaunts Himself As "WWE's Mr. Miz"
This article series has told before how The Miz's dad George Mizanin repeatedly calls his son up to rib him about his short-lived WWE celebrity. According to Miz, George even sold t-shirts for a brief spell online, and would joke to his boy that he was the bigger star.
Wait, there's more. Oh man is there more.
Miz told Sports Illustrated that his father actually flaunts himself for personal appearances occasionally, and he made one shortly after WrestleMania 35 at a local college in Ohio. To his son's bemusement, George advertised himself for the autograph and picture session as "WWE's Mr. Miz". Sorry, but that's bloody brilliant.
George is veering close to Virgil territory here. Maybe it's only a matter of time before he starts going rogue and promotes that The Miz will be there with him. Look out for "WWE's Mr. Miz" in a subway station near you very soon. Only joking.