10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (August 9)

6. Finn Bálor's Six-Minute Gym Quirk

Finn Balor

Anyone who sweats their ass off trying to get in shape will scoff at Finn Bálor's fitness comments during a chat with GQ.com this week. In the Irishman's own words, he doesn't work out for longer than an hour at a time when he visits the gym on the road, and he has one pretty unique quirk he always falls back on.

Sitting on an exercise bike for six minutes without pedalling.

Bálor, for whatever reason (not even he's exactly sure why), finds a quiet place to sit on the machine and think for exactly six minutes. That's...oddly specific. He does this because he wants to acclimatise to being in a public place, and he wants to slow his brain down from all the rigours of travel before exercising.

If this is the secret to getting abdominals like Finn's, then everyone will be trying it. Seriously though, this "OCD thing" (his words) is something he's done for years now, and it always helps him transition from rest to exercise. Six minutes, no more and no less. Take notes.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.