10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (August 9)

3. Scott Hall Couldn't Sleep After Teaching At The WWE PC

Scott Hall

When you've been around the horn as many times as Scott Hall has, it's probably pretty difficult to get excited about pro wrestling, right? Not according to the ex-Razor Ramon himself. He gets a real buzz out of helping young wrestlers get ahead, and he's only too happy to impart knowledge on rookies.

There are two things that happen whenever Hall guests at WWE's Performance Center. One, he asks to work with those right at the start of their journey rather than wrestlers already killing it in NXT. Two, he finds it bloody hard to sleep when he returns to his hotel room bed that evening.

That's how much Scott loves teaching, and he ended up so excited about Jordan Omogbehin (the young kid he spent most time with) that he couldn't switch off.

Hall told this to Wrestling Inc, and elaborated by saying he also asked Triple H if he could strictly focus on working with the "big guys". Despite being a huge dude himself, Hall could work with and bump for all shapes and sizes. That's something he's passionate about teaching today.

Say night night to the 'Bad Guy'? Not a chance.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.