10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (Dec 16)

1. Kurt Angle Wishes He Could Redo The WrestleMania XIX Main Event

kurt angle wrestlemania 19

It's almost scary to think that Kurt Angle was having serious neck problems as far back as 2003. Even then, there were real worries that the Olympic Gold Medal winner would have to think about working a reduced schedule. It's mind-blowing to think that Angle continued working full-time for over a decade afterwards.

Now, Kurt is at a time in his career when he can slow down and reflect on the past. Conducting a question and answer session via his official Facebook page, Angle answered everything that was sent his way. Most notably, he was asked by one fan which match he would like to work all over again.

Answering quickly, Kurt said that he'd choose the main event of WrestleMania XIX. Working under the limitations of an injured neck, Angle doesn't feel like he was able to put in the level of performance he wanted to against Brock Lesnar.

If he had the chance to redo the match, he'd want to be healthy this time. The 'Mania XIX headliner is still a great match, but Kurt believes it should have been better.

What other big wrestling facts did you learn this week? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments section below!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.